How to Turn Off VPN on iPhone: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide

In this digital age, using a VPN on your iPhone is a smart way to ensure your online privacy and security. Whether you’re protecting your personal data on public Wi-Fi or accessing geo-restricted content, VPNs have become an essential tool. However, there are times when you might need to turn off your VPN on your iPhone. It could be to access local content, conserve battery life, or simply because you no longer need that added layer of security. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to turn off your VPN on your iPhone, making the process a breeze.

Step 1: Access Your iPhone Settings

First, unlock your iPhone and find the “Settings” app, which is typically represented by a gear icon on your home screen. Tap on it to open the settings.


Step 2: Navigate to the VPN Settings

In the Settings menu, scroll down and look for the “VPN” option. This is where you’ll manage your VPN settings.


Step 3: Turn Off Your VPN

Within the VPN settings, you’ll see a list of all the VPN configurations you have set up on your iPhone. These could be for various purposes, such as work, personal use, or travel. To turn off the VPN, simply tap the switch next to the VPN you wish to disable.


Step 4: Confirm Deactivation

A confirmation dialog will appear, asking you to confirm the deactivation of the VPN. Tap “Disconnect” to turn off the VPN.


Step 5: VPN Is Turned Off

Once you’ve followed these steps, your VPN is now turned off. You’ll see that the switch next to the VPN configuration is in the ‘off’ position.

Why Turn Off Your VPN?

There are several reasons you might want to turn off your VPN on your iPhone:

1. Access Local Content: Some services, like streaming platforms or local websites, may not work properly with a VPN enabled. Disabling it allows you to access content as if you were in your actual location.

2. Save Battery Life: VPNs consume battery power, and if you’re on the go and need to conserve your phone’s battery, turning off the VPN can help.

3. Improved Speed: While VPNs offer security, they can sometimes slow down your internet connection. By disabling the VPN, you can enjoy faster browsing and streaming.

4. Network Compatibility: Certain Wi-Fi networks, such as those in airports or hotels, may require the VPN to be turned off for proper connectivity.

Remember that you can always re-enable your VPN when needed by following the same steps in reverse.


In this step-by-step guide, we’ve shown you how to turn off your VPN on your iPhone. Whether it’s for accessing local content, preserving your battery life, or ensuring optimal network compatibility, knowing how to disable your VPN is a useful skill for any iPhone user. By following these simple steps, you can easily toggle your VPN on and off, adapting to your specific needs and preferences while maintaining control over your online privacy and security.

Turning off your VPN is as simple as turning it on, so you can enjoy a seamless and secure mobile experience with your iPhone.

Computer Hardware & Network Engg. / Web Developer / Digital Marketers / Google Trusted Photographer.

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